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Chiropractic is all about moving and healing at your best. In human beings, nerve messages are transmitted from the body to the brain and from the brain to the body through the nervous system. The nervous system includes the spinal cord that passes from the skull down through the spinal column, and the spinal nerves that pass from the spinal cord to the rest of the body between the individual spinal vertebrae. Every function from movement, digestion, breathing, quality of sleep, how you deal and respond to stress and heal (to name just few…) is controlled and coordinated by the nerve system..


Stresses through life comes in different forms: physical (bad posture, lack of movement, injuries, birth trauma, etc), emotional (chronic stress, etc) or chemical (toxins, poor diet, etc). Those can affect the function of the spine and lead to issues down the road (that chiropractors call “vertebral subluxation”). Research has shown that this affects the way the central nervous system is processing information. As chiropractors, we locate and facilitate the correction of those misalignments (i.e. vertebral subluxations) using specific and gentle adjustments.

My Mission:

Providing accessible authentic Chiropractic Care to the rural communities of Taranaki. Im enthusiastic about sharing my knowledge about spinal health and its role in our overall function. I truely believe that educating individuals and families about the spine and nervous system is a missing link in health care awareness.

Meet The Chiropractor 

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Dr. Remington 

The goal is to deliver a fresh understanding of what CHIROPRACTIC CARE is. Providing authentic accessible personalised care while educating individuals and families about the spines role in our overall health and function.


On my free time, I enjoy building things with my hands, getting them in the garden and washing it all off with a surf. I enjoy being physically active, and my job requires me to function at my best. Getting checked and adjusted regularly has always allowed me operate with little to no break downs. I look forward to delivering genuine quality chiropractic care to our community so we can all thrive together. A personal goal of mine is to surf well into my 80’s, So I am taking care of myself along the way!

Area of interest:

Im passionate about sharing my knowledge with families and individuals. My mission is to inspire and educate our community about our spine and its role in our overall health. Im excited to get this information out and have it travel up and down the family tree so we can all function our best. For nearly 10 years I was a competitive distance runner. Lower back, pelvis and hip mobility are essential to running performance. Operating at our highest level will always be at the corner stone of my practice.

Education - Training - Performance 

4 Years Undergraduate University of Kansas USA

4 Years New Zealand College of Chiropractic 

8 Years Competitive Middle Distance Running

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