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Who is Chiropractic for?

Chiropractic Care is for anyone who has a spine! Much like the dentist or other industries of health and hygiene. Chiropractic really flourishes when under regular care. Typically, we don't wait for our teeth to begin hurting before we decide to brush them. Rather we brush regularly to avoid discomfort coming along. Chiropractic care should be looked at the same. 10, 20, 30, years is far too long before someone pays attention to your spine. My goal is to share this with as many people as possible! I truly believe the function of our spine and its connection with our nervous system which runs through it has been overlooked for too long.

What does regular care look like? Much of this depends on the current health and shape of your spine in addition to your daily lifestyle ie: high labours career vs. office desk work. Both of these add stresses on different areas of the neck and back day after day, year after year.


The "pain paradigm" Once your body begins giving you signs of "pain" this means the issue has been developing for sometime now. Whats important to understand is that pain is the last perception you receive when something isn't functioning correctly. Pain is experienced in the brain and travels along the central nervous system. Ultimately, our focus as a chiropractors is to remove any interference the spine can place on your central nervous system from vertebral subluxation (vertebra applied stressful interference on nerves which exit the spinal column).



Our body is processing millions bits of information without us thinking about it.

All of our organ functions are coordinated through the central nervous system (brain and nerves). If we are experiencing pain in a region of our spines, there is a good chance the same area of nerves which communicate with those organs may being affected as well. We all know that if we damage our spines bad enough there is a risk we can become paralysed in which you would hoped to be saved by a medical surgeon. I like to think I am the doctor who is looking out for the day to day health of the spine and nervous system. So that our body can once and for all function at our best and not merely dancing in and out of back or neck pain.

Ultimately chiropractic care works great for both! whether your goal is to simply get out of pain,

or you're healthy and want to make sure you stay that way.

-Neck Pain
-Back Pain
-Hip Pain
-Head Aches
-Digestive issues
-Balance issues
-Focus issues
-Energy levels


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